
Showing posts from February, 2020

Hawan ceremony to invoke blessings for students

Blessings go far beyond anything; bringing abundance along with peace. For students, the blessings of their patrons and mentors are indeed a source of huge motivation.  A Hawan was organised  in the school premises to invoke blessings for the students of class X and XII. The occasion was graced by the presence of Mr. Manish Rao, CEO, RPS Group of Schools. In his address, sir spoke about the importance of discipline and persistence in the life of students.  The premises lit up with the fragrance of positivity and spiritual vibes, setting the right tone for the apt educational ambience.

Live streaming of 'Pariksha Pe Charcha 2020' by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi

The students, teachers and parents of RPS International School Sec 50, Gurugram assembler to watch the live streaming of 'Pariksha Pe Charcha 2020' by Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi in the school campus itself. This session was held ahead of Class 10 and Class 12 Board exams to request the parents not to pressurize their children. The students listened to P.M. interacting with the students, teachers, and parents from the Talkatora Indoor Stadium in Delhi. He spoke about numerous subjects relating to exams and even life beyond exams. Mr. Narendra Modi urged students to be confident about their own preparation and not enter the exam hall with any sort of pressure.He appreciated the parents who allowed their children tovpursue things (if they are on the right track). The audience applauded P.M. Mr. Modi's  suggestion to have a technology-free hour everyday. They promised  to keep themselves away from technology for a day and spend time with their friends, family, books or ...